31 October 2009


1St day at work was like wahh .. cuz i everything also dk . den the auntie there all so unfriendly de . not only i say luh . the ppl downstair working long le also say those auntie upstair de very ' yaya ' . thanks arh eugene , zhibin & david for teaching me the stuff & everything . our bags cannot bring in de . have to put at the security dere . standstandstand & pack the clothes . was easy lah , but tiring . when no ppl arh , really can fall asleep . was able to go home at 1opm . take 190 home . the bus was so dame full can . stand till my legs going break anytime . reach home was dame tired lah . no time to blog so bath & sleep le . going work afterward . ^^

29 October 2009


was feeling dame tired luh . finally found a job but its at taka but its alright :) will be starting later . hope it will be fine . but better den everyday staying at home & doing nth except audi-ing . finally im lvl 21 as my last time de acc was ban if not zao jiu backup or even main le :( this few days was dame tired for me luh . monday went out with qiaohui early in the morning to pei her take chalet key for her bro . dame tried luh cuz the night before was on phone with monkey till 3am & im awake at 8.45am . yao wo de ming arh !!! the chalet was small & i think its dirty luh . so i will never book there de . NO WAY !!! i rather spend much more to get a better place . after tat train to qiaohui house . stay there till 6+ den went home loveparty . finally we pass it . workinf hard to get the next cuz its very far away . 1100 hearts leh & we were not even halfway yet . just 460 hearts nia . no matter wat , im going to chiong & win evoprince ring .

den yesterday went to monkey house to charge my psp cuz my bro took the charger to camp . kuku one . chatchat & monkey bully wo :( went off at 6+ cuz monkey got work . sorry leh . you know why i say sorry for . train home & audi awhile den confer on phone with jiesi aiai . so many ppl inside till i cant heard a thing . its way too noisy lah . like market + farm . laugh dao wo yao si kiaokiao . hang den chat with monkey . stupid monkey keep bully wo . nvm . no banana for you only . haha . today wokeup by my gan hubby . fall back asleep but awhile jiu wakeup le . cant really sleep . dun know wat is wrong or dk wat is bothering me till i cant get back to sleep . maybe im scare tat im late for work . but den the boss msg me say report at 3.30pm so its okay . have time for me to slowly make my way there . promise to blog everyday . but if i didnt , sorry cuz i maybe too busy :)

26 October 2009

231009pass our wedding lic again on the 23oct as qiaohui last time acc got problem . ^^ but hor , so suay luh . pass the flower to MEMO !!! ROAR !!! no lah .. jk de . not suay k . is like so dame heng luh cuz in msn i say later throw dao you den you know den really kana him . haha . after tat tag heart !!! i wanna win prince's ring lah .. kuku he laugh at us .. sua . one day it will be our turn to laugh at him .
when out with marilyn to orchard as she wan to look for her job . she make me so hungry luh .. but nvm . she give me bully back ^^ happy si le . hahahah . sorry arh . was late tat day . was very tired luh tat day . fall asleep in train when i was on my way back home . heng i wakeup on time to get down .
was being wokenup by my bro cuz he come in my rm & kahjiao my sis sleep den she keep shoutshout . online awhile den go out with my bro to fixed his psp at yewtee after tat to NUH as he is not feeling well . get well soon okay . cab home & i have to go buy cake for him . photo will be uploaded next time cuz someone on phone cant wait le .. keep saying ' im bored ' & ' typetypetypetypetype ' :x

22 October 2009

dk wat to post cuz feeling so dame lose . lose in my own world . everything is gone . dk wat to say , dk wat to do . how useless can i be . putting all my effort in relationship seems to be wrong . when i need someone to talk to , i realise im left with no one . im left all alone . feelings between us seems to so fergile ( if never spell wrong ) . its broken so easily . i never wan to leave but i dun have a choice . im sorry & tat all i can say . sorry for everything . but seriously , my feelings toward you has never change . it seem so fake but its real . sometime when things changes , its time to let go . sorry baby . but memories was the best gift you gave me .

20 October 2009

idk wat this pic up there is bout but see nice den post :D lots of things to post .
181009 =)
baby went to malaysia genting le :( gonna miss you lots . come back soon okay . went to lot 1 to have dinner cuz wanna celebrate my brother birthday although its on the 271009 cuz on tat day he will be in camp & next week mummy is not in singapore . had sushi for dinner .. was nice luh . longlonglong time never eat with the whole family le . had lots of laugher lah . sorry no pic cuz i was too hungry & forget to take . 8+ den we have the sit sia . hungry si le .
191009 ^^
went to meet qiaohui at jurong point . found tat meihui laogong was working there as well . so went to look for her . chatchat awhile den me & qiaohui went for lunch . thanks arh ^^ next time my turn to treat le . walk around jurong point & its big lah . walk & askaskask till leg dame pain lah can . after tat head down to vivo & qiaohui bf came along . they two was funny luh . haha . vivo was also big luh . but never walk to whole vivo lah . went to topshop to look for samantha & yinhui but they were busy working lah . so nvm bah . den went to mac to eat icecream & chat luh . train home after tat den at the mrt got blood luh . drips of blood on the floor dun know who de . den we start to siam all the blood & guessing wat happen to tat person . went to lot1 to buy my dinner & home sweet home ^^
as for today , wakeup & found tat audi in patching :( but nvm lah .. i have the time to update my stuff . waiting got baby to back from malaysia . wondering wat time will it be . very qi dai to see baby msg or even a call from baby ^^

09 October 2009

die luh .. im sick & im having my N lvl paper :( math byebye le . paper 1 tat day head very pain + having flu . den ytd was math paper 2 & geo . keep vomiting the day before . eat wat den vomit wat . tot it will be okay by the next day but NO .. :( doing math paper till half feel like vomiting den simply not well lah . byebye my math :( thanks diana for sending me home by ur father's car ^^ monday last 2 paper le . POA paper 1 & 2 . jiayouss to all bah . after tat den all can relax & play like no one business le . have to save up for my prom le . porm is on the 24nov , monday . 7pm to 11pm at hilton hotel , orchard :) going back to school at 2 weeks time to get the ticket ^^ sorry laogong i cant go for the club on 15oct . i know you wish to see me there but im sorry .. i will get the ticket next time when i really feel like going bah . sorry . went to see doctor ytd night & doctor say im having stomach flu :( the medicine is making me dame sleepy luh .. plauing audi with eyes half open . sorry baby never wait for you to come back ytd & i go sleep le . hope you wont mind . lots of things happen in fam . this one chaojia , tat one chaojia . haiishh .. haocai i siam .. so its not my business . but try to cheerup ppl . cool down le den talk . dun so chong dong :( cant leave fam okay .. hope to see qiaohui back in fam :)

04 October 2009

its been a long time since i last update , lots of things happen .
HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY !! didnt go to school tat day cuz was bored luh in school . everyday do the same things . welcome back auntie ^^ my maid is back after a month . the new maid was CMI one luh . dun wanna talk bout it . went to meet erzi & andrew . thanks for the lunch ^^ the food not bad lah . but i dun really like . psps . but overall still okay lah . den baby say wanna play pool . so went to cine to play pool . was exp luh . but nvm lah .. baby happy jiu hao le ^^ we went off early cuz was boring luh . they keep talking to tracy they all so nvm bah . train to bishan , had mac for dinner . sorry to show attitude baby cuz i really not feeling well . thanks for the medicine ^^ was trying to hide from the cam so i poke a hold at the tissuse den peek at wat baby gonna do . after tat train home ate medicine & rest ^^
never go school also cuz was bored .. thanks diana for helping me to collect my report book ^^ i will get it from you on monday bah . finally school ends for sec 4 NA & NT students if im not wrong weather NT got anot . just need to go back for N lvl tat all . monday is N lvl le . but i haven study sia . plus i fall sick at a very wrong timing . haiishh .. hope to get well soon . at night , i lose my voice sia . talking like man only . scare my maid & sis . hope baby & aiai wont have nightmare after hearding my voice :x
finally 1 month le . time passes so fast . never go out today as baby is busy so nvm bah .nt to see doctor in the morning . ate my medincine & sleep till 7+ . guai hor me . got eat medicine ^^ was playing the com whole day . never study at all sia . yao si le . plus i cant find my phy & chem textbook . dun know where it run to le . so have to see notes le bah . heng got phy notes . but chem de i dun know at where sia . wat kinda student am i ? laugh . den just now playing audi feeling dame cold but im sweating . laugh . think this time im death . really death . hope to get well soon if not N lvl how ? sorry baby for my selfishness . forgive me okay ? <33