26 October 2009

231009pass our wedding lic again on the 23oct as qiaohui last time acc got problem . ^^ but hor , so suay luh . pass the flower to MEMO !!! ROAR !!! no lah .. jk de . not suay k . is like so dame heng luh cuz in msn i say later throw dao you den you know den really kana him . haha . after tat tag heart !!! i wanna win prince's ring lah .. kuku he laugh at us .. sua . one day it will be our turn to laugh at him .
when out with marilyn to orchard as she wan to look for her job . she make me so hungry luh .. but nvm . she give me bully back ^^ happy si le . hahahah . sorry arh . was late tat day . was very tired luh tat day . fall asleep in train when i was on my way back home . heng i wakeup on time to get down .
was being wokenup by my bro cuz he come in my rm & kahjiao my sis sleep den she keep shoutshout . online awhile den go out with my bro to fixed his psp at yewtee after tat to NUH as he is not feeling well . get well soon okay . cab home & i have to go buy cake for him . photo will be uploaded next time cuz someone on phone cant wait le .. keep saying ' im bored ' & ' typetypetypetypetype ' :x


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