30 May 2009

just came back from dinner . was tired lah . the food was nice lor . sleep at 530 ytd den wakeup at 11+ i think . online the whole afternoon den went to bath & start to prepare at around 4+ . took some photos of myself & with my maid . alot ppl look at me like im a monster like sia . all saying ' see ... xiaomimi now become bigmimi liao . last time so small nia . now so big liao ( they used to call me xiaomimi , some of them still do lah ) ' i was like diao lah . haha . was laughing alot on the dinner cuz me & my brother was making fun of ourself . got special guest sia . CHEN JIAN BING . he joker lah . everyone was laughing like hell lor . but overall was okay luh . cab-ed home & i vomited lah . i hate this feeling lor . cuz the stupid taxi got one smell i dun like de plus keep stop lor . GRRRR .... feeling dame tired now luh . have to rest early tonight :D


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