24 May 2009

sunday :D was like quite boring today cuz never go out all these . ps meihui , i know you all like very long no call me go out le but i still cant make . duibuqi , next week okay i promise ( if you all got go out luh ) . sleep quite late ytd night cuz i have no mood lah . thanks aiai for all ur efforts for cheering me up when you know im sad . thanks for all those funny videos :D i feel quite guilty sia cuz of how the way i treated you last time but now you still treat me so good . duibuqi for wat i done last time & xiexie ni alot . wakeup found tat aiai is already awake , was quite surprise lah . sorry for the late reply cuz its after 2h den i reply :x had my lunch luh den watch tv with mummy . sunday no nice show de sia , all quite boring de . but i still laugh lah , at least im happy . den wait till 530 den can use com cuz sis was using . pei amanda played audi awhile . was dame happy lah cuz ytd night we play tgt we both did 188 fm & i did another 190 fm :D did i improve ?
was quite shock lah cuz i know im a noob . online also nth much to do . had meggie mee for dinner cuz mummy dun know wat to cook . AIAI YOU PS ME !!!! ( DUN KNOW OF YOU WILL SEE THIS BUT SORRY LUH :D ) sian luh tmr got school . how i hope i have finish Nlevel liao . so can sleep all i wan all day . am i starting to run away from you ? im scare . really scare .


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