20 May 2009

today actually dun wanna go school de lor . but in the end also wakeup :D guai hor . went to school take back my results . was like so suck lor . almost fail . not all get back yet . but im happy lah , cuz i pass my weak subject which was chinese :D
physic 25.5 / 50
chemistry 28.5 / 50
english : paper 1 PASS :D
paper 2 40 / 60
chinese 83 / 150 :D
math 38 / 140 :x
social studies 18 / 50
the rest haven get . hope my geo can pass to pull up my social studies marks lor . die lah . i fail math . haiishh . whole class only 4 ppl pass math nia sia . POA also sure die liao lor . i dun wan meet the teacher sia , cuz teacher say those results for MYE cant make it for 5NA de need go meet parents session sia . i dun wan . i hate tat lah . teachers always say alot things den mummy will keep adding till i dame ps one . but see my results sure cant make it for 5NA liao lor . sure go ite liao . but its okay lah . also not bad :D


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