19 May 2009

finally today was the last day of exam . can play liao :D having phy paper today . still okay lah but i think i will fail lor . cuz i forget all the formula den anyhow do de . they give me wat i just add all the number up or something like tat :D also finish in 30mins nia :D den sleep for the rest of the time left . after tat was chinese listening . still okay lor, very relax . finish listening went to westmall had lunch with siyu cuz i dame hungry lah . sit there eat got 2 girls from lower sec sitting behide us dame kaobei lor . keep shouting den say wat money money money . ppl eating they saying money still say till so loud . like wan let the whole world know got ppl own them money . finish eating jiu go home le . online till now . just now went to yewtee with mummy cuz she wanna check things . brought food home also . nicenice :D heng afternoon no school . but hope tonight can have a good rest bah . still chatting with cailing & jeremy . angry with her sia . keep sabo me & say things tat should not say . but nvm lah :D anyway happy birthday jiajia . althought i dun know you well but wish you all the best bah .


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