25 August 2009

GRR .. im late for 28 mins & now this post date is 25/08 de liao . GRR ... i wanna post for 24/08 de :(

24/08 ( see date arh :x )
school was the same luh .. but im so dame tired . 3am den fall asleep cuz i waiting for korkor reply .. but he fell asleep sia .. ass .. get back some of my results today . not good luh .
social studies 30 / 50
geograhy 21 / 50
chem 21 / 50
haiishh .. if this is my n lvl result im going to say byebye le :( sian luh .. tmr still have school . how i wish all school will close down . finish school jiu go home le . buy lunch & i forget tat today i got tuition . but heng he say nvm so my sis have the tuition hahaha . laugh si wo le . online awhile den go nap le . 4 h of nap ^^ but still sleepy luh . thanks korkor for waking me up but he cannot call :( miss ur voice :x online & nth much luh .. haha .. den zack give me a link ask me go click say is funny de . i click liao is a girl face come out with her screaming .. i was like ' wtf . like tat nia .. scary meh ? ' haha .. maybe is cuz i just wakeup bah . so like no feelings de . hahahaha .. give the link to aiai but she cant open dk why . not fun de luh .. give korkor see he shock dao . laugh si wo le . still chatting with korkor in msn .. think going to off le bah . i wan go back rest . im way too tired :)


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