20 August 2009

finally , prelims is over ^^ but this stupid school no marking day de .. ass .. dun feel like going to school tmr leh .. cuz its normal lesson again .. i sure sleep in lesson again de :( today chem & poa paper .. chem was still okay lah .. poa i think sure fail de lah .. no need mark also know fail le .. so can save the ink ^^ finish exam jiu go home luh .. take a nap in the afternoon cuz very tired .. mei you xiang dao korkor really will wake me up again ^^ love you lah can .. haha hope ur mummy everyday go out so you can online le .. dun late liao lah kk .. wakeup online & find tat audi got patch .. they change alot sia .. now can alt tab liao .. also can change ur clothes in room ^^ like cute sia .. haha .. korkor faster online lah .. piak you den you know . now leh nth to do luh .. was like bored luh .. no one pei me de . i alone :( hope tonight korkor can online lah ^^


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