17 August 2009

sorry for so many days no update .. arhhh ~!~! JOJO GO BACK LE :( i miss him lah can :( although its a few days nia but its like im used to have him by my side following me wherever i go .. i will visit you soon okay ^^ having my geo paper today .. write like hell luh .. heng last min finish everything .. my hand dame pain can :( tmr is phy & chinese .. haiishh .. chinese again .. sure fail like wat de luh & im sure i will sit there read the passage till i fall asleep de .. always like tat .. CUZ I DUN KNOW HOW TO READ CAN .. im guessing all for most of the words ( OMG ) .. hope can do well bah .. korkor , jiayouss also okay ^^ haha .. poor thing .. you have normal lesson after perlim , cannot go home .. LAN .. laugh si wo le .. hahaha ..


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