03 August 2009

school was the same .. diana finally came .. lesson as per normal .. had oral after school .. andy they all biantai lah .. better dun say out leh .. later i dame malu sia & stop asking tat question .. finish oral train-ed home & had tuition .. im tired .. really tired ..

i dun know wat to say
you tried to be nice & next moment you are not
this is the way you smash all the hope you gave me
you once told me i do melt ur heart
you told me you love me
you told me you wont let go of me
you told me we would be together soon
but its was all being smash last night
i wanna hate you but , iloveyou
perhaps we are not meant to be together
i will never be as important as her in ur heart
i can never replace her in ur heart
broken hopes ; gone forever


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