07 May 2009

i dun know wat is wrong with my com but till now its not fixed yet & i have to use laptop . today start MYE le . had english paper 1 & chinese paper 1 . chinese was quite diffcult lor . but still manage to do lah . sure fail de . english was still okay lor . finish exam have to rush home cuz got math tuition . but i was still late lah . reach home teacher was there liao . finish tuition den bath & help my bro with his game thingy . tmr was geography paper . have to study later . scare sia . think i will also fail bah . so hard lor now the exam . was feeling better this few day cuz at least have yuanting to talk to . THANKS YUANTING

i feel im really left out in school .
we used to be good friends but i dun know why we ended up like tat .
i tried to talk to you all but you all seem to be ignoring me .
you all went out together & you all left me out all alone .
i dun know was to do le .
i know i wasnt talking to you all first cuz im having lots of problems .
but now when everything is okay,im being left behind .
i really hope we could be like last time .
happily chatting & crazily having fun .
i miss the time when we were all together .
perhaps i have done something wrong but can you all let me know wat i have done wrong ?
will we remain like this ?
i really miss you guys .

was like missing you all this while .
but am i able to let you go ?
falling in love is easy but forgettng someone you love is diffcult .
i told myself not to contact you till end of this year after Nlevel .
but am i able to do that ?
i feel so jealous when you are chatting with her .
see i was correct .
you guys will slowly lead to msg .
but i cant stop you from doing that .
was can i do ?
those days we spend together were the happiest days .
i know i were the one that made you give up on me .
baby , iLOVEYOU .
i really do love you .
i may not be the prefect girl in ur heart .
but my love for you is prefect .
i feel so sad & i dun know wat else i can do .
when ever im online , i cant see you online & i cant talk to you .
while others are able to chat with you happily .
think you must have blocked me .
if you hate me tat much let me know .
but baby , remember tat no matter wat you do i will always support & respect ur decision .
no matter wat happen , i will always be there for you .
i been to places where we used to go togther but everything seen to be different without you .
i sitted there alone & pictures of you keep appearing .
will you still hold my hands like you used to & walk home with me ?
will you still be able to send me home no matter how late i go home ?
will we be calling each other every night & chat till midnight ?
will you be coming over to my house downstair in the middle of the night when you cant sleep ?
will you give the both of us one more chance ?


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