19 April 2009

wish you all the wish in everything you do & good luck for our ' N ' level. :D
nth much to say bout today.
sleep at 3++ ytd den wakeup at 11+ today.
wakeup online and nth.
cuz dun know why no mood.
never eat my lunch & breakfast cuz no appetite.
changed my blogskin & continue doing nth.
online till 4+ i think den let sis use.
after tat go bath & wait for mummy to finish work at 6pm & go over to yewtee to meet mummy with my brother for dinner.
alot ppl leh cuz today sunday mah.
when around looking for place to sit.
ate my only meal which is curry chicken with rice.
the curry was sweet lah.
den walk around & when ntuc buy things & home sweet home.
reach home watch L change the world although i watch before in cinema.
tmr got school.
sian one cuz nth to do in class just study.
heng i finish my english compo liao.
have to sleep early today if not tmr sure very sleepy de.
will time heal everything?
63days & im still counting.


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