18 April 2009

GRRRRR..... my bro bluff me.
say wanna go zoo today never.
say tmr den go >.<
wakeup at 11+ cuz my sis was playing audi&she wake me up cuz she on very loud.
wakeup check if she still have fever&have my breakfast.
online&play audi.
den my maid say my sis fever high again need go limbang buy things ask me help her look after my sis.
so i have to lor.
bobian who call her is my sis.
after tat let me sis online den i go bath&do my stuff.
had dinner&when to yewtee to find mummy.
saw angela they all at traffic light.
wait for mummy to eat den go buy things&home sweet home.
reach home online till now.
was like boring lah.
haven done my english compo.
think i will do tmr bah.
if not will die arh.
never do need write a 500 words compo if im not wrong.
dame sian one.

its hurtful to lose you baby.
62days & im still counting.


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