14 April 2009

hmm... today was bout the same lor.
wakeup at 645.
take my own sweet time to prepare cuz today no need go school so early.
walk to yewtee & train-ed to gombak.
while waiting for train at yewtee i look down & guess who i saw.
dame happy sia.
although from where i see he look small lah but im happy liao.
when to gombak mac to meet liqing gwenda tricia zhihao kenny & wenhui
brought my breakfast & walk to school together with them.
first period was class family time.
so ate my breakfast happily with diana.
then was english.
preparing for oral keep reading like mad like tat but class was fun for english lah.
then follow by POA.
dame boring de lor.
but got so-called test for us to do.
but everyone was walking around asking how to do.
then recess.
me tricia stayed in class to finish our POA but never finish -.-
den siewhwei come pei us.
bell rang den must go down if not kanna caught jiu jialat.
come back class was chinese.
test sia. dun know how to read & write.
den was geography. heng mr chua never come so can rest awhile.
den was chem & social studies.
heng this two was very relax.
i was sleeping for the whole period of social studies.
but nvm. teacher also never teach. :D
finish school need stay back for english oral.
when to 4E3 classroom. mr ho was late lor & i was the last to go. -.-
inside doing nth.
heng got diana they all pei me chat.
draw on the whiteboard & took some pic.
thanks diana for teaching me how to write nicenice de words.
finish at 5+ den went home alone cuz liqing they all finish & go off le.
waiting for someone to reply but he said later sms.
just msg him not long ago.
but still no reply.
please dun boom me leh.
i will be dame sad de.
baby,a promise is a promise.
i mean it. i will wait for you.
58days & im still counting.


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