30 March 2009

not posting any photo today.
feeling dame sad now.
today actually meeting gwenda they all at 645 de.
but i was late & wakeup at 615 cuz the alarm never ring.
so ask them to go first.
i realise tat i was holding my phone the whole night when i was sleeping.
finish school at 140 & go science center till 5 i think.
nearly fall asleep inside lor.
go there just sit there listen&listen&listen.
when back home then go weijie's house return him his mother's thumb drive.
saw him when i reach there & i was like so dame happy.
i smile & even wave at him but he look away.
msg him & he said just now he tot was his sis friend.
den dun feel like going home so sit at his house dere de staircase.
ytd i asked him , if im bored can ask him out to like pei me chat.
he said okay when he is free.
ask him out just now he said he going over to his friend's house play mahjong.
& he even say the game has started.
i asked him is he at his friend's house?
he told me he is but he is at HOME.
if you would not wanted to come out just tell me the truth & not lie to me.
its hurt dame lots you know mah.
i cried at the staircase & i told myself it isnt the truth.
i waited for his sis to go out & i go over to ask her some question & she told me he is still at home.
its hurts dame lots.
stop lieing to me le okay.
wat i wanted was the truth not all ur lies.
43days & im still counting.


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