11 March 2009

so boring in school these few days.
cuz exam finish liao den everyone was like slacking all the way.
haha. today finally get back english paper le.
cant believe i passed.
CHEERUP tricia,mid year you sure can pass de.
dun worry.
today got the hongkong thingy.
everyone was like so scare lor.
liqing retie ( if i never spell wrong ) her hair.
look so nu ren sia.
very nice leh.
den tricia very scare but she still make it after all.
after school got AVA meeting.
so stay back. they had their lunch.
& liqing brought me an eggtart.
OMG. im so touch. but dun worry.
i will pay you back. :x
we were late for the meeting cuz everyone was was busy with our hair.
today meeting like nth de lor.
sit there listen they talk.
den see some photo tat make everyone laugh. :D
after meeting went to bubble tea shop there slack.
till 6 bah i think.
walk back to take train back.
sorry tricia,never wait for you. :x
24days & im still counting♥


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