18 January 2009

hmm... sorry today never go out with you.
today wokeup around 10+.
have my breakfast then when down gombak find my mother.
after tat have lunch at westmall mayim (if i never spell wrong)
dame spicy sia the noodle.
spicy dao my tears roll down.
haha. after tat at westmall walkwalk.
so angry lor.
me&my sis seeing things den got one saleman come over say ' wat can i help you. '
i look up nia,he say ' a... from far you look like mummy. '
WTF. so angry lor. i shout back ' WAOKAO '
cheebye lor. his face from far or near both look like ARHGUA.
angry leh.
den go home slp till 5+.
mummy wan go chinatown buy things but i very sleepy&not feeling well leh.
so stay at home all alone lor.
when to yewtee to buy my dinner with baby.
eat alot sia. i cant finish sia.
haha. den wait for my brother finish work come back on com for me do hw.
guai de hor me.
very stress sia sec4.
almost everyday must stay back if not den is study till 3 or 4+.
tired lah.


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