17 March 2009


very tired sia.
sat when to zouk
quite nice lah.
but is so dame tired & leg dame pain.
cuz wearing high heel.
actually wanna go in at 9pm.
but then we were late & i n ic to go in.
so have to wait&wait&wait.
thank jeffrey for waiting for me.
forget the time i went in.
but i went for the 18 de.
haha. mean i can buy beer all this.
after went in come out also dun know why.
wait for everyone to go in den around 1am then go back in.
saw zack & weixuan.
haha. zack wear okayokay lah.
but weixuan till very shuai ( HE ASK ME CHANGE DE). :x
the dance floor dame fucking lots ppl lor.
but manage to get in lah.
started dancing & those boys were our body guard.
surround us to protect us.
thank arh.
dance till 2+ going 3 den go out.
wait for randall till 5 bah i guess.
by the time my gastic is dame pain liao lor.
cab down to jeffrey's house.
went to buy breakfast den go up.
the house was small but everyone can go in lah.
share my food with mickey.
a malaysia friend. :)
they drink but i go sleep.
cant sleep so started laughing with yinhui like mad.
haha. also dun know how i fall asleep.
wakeup around 10+
meihui mickey yinhui meggie & javier still sleeping.
when inside the room & saw sam randall & jeffrey talking.
so join them lor.
after awaile all wakeup cuz got somethings happen.
but everything was solve.
after tat sit dere listening to song.
den jeffrey go youtube dun know do wat get us see scareysacry thing.
den go back to sam house to eat & bath.
after tat den go home.
reach home leg is dame pain lor.
faster go back to sleep liao.
dame tired.
30days & im still counting♥


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