06 July 2009

actually , this should be ytd post ... LOL . but nvm .. hmm ... stay at home ytd till night den went out with meihui laogong , samantha mummy , yinhui & one more new friend jon ( i dun know him at all . is sam de friend lai de . ) said wanna go club de . but change den go jon's friend den pub . singsingsing . they played game . dame funny , we lose must eat tissue . i was like ' WTF ... EAT TISSUE ? why they think of games like tat ' but i play a few round nia . heng sai never kana . yinhui kana 2 time & she was holding the tissue tat she dip into the beer . its funny lah .. HAHA .. den siti called and said wanna go club again so cab-ed down to powerhouse . too bad .. yinhui never come , she went home :( went in & was like boring at first .. but overall still okay luh .. cab-ed home reach home 3+ . most shocking thing is i tell my mum tat im going club & she say ' okay luh , go there seesee how it look like . ' i was OMG :D spend all our money ytd so never go out today . stay at home finish my math hw . was boring luh .


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